
Who am I?

My name is Dijana Limani. I'm from Belgrade, Serbia, currently living in Novi Sad. I graduated from ICT College of Vocational Studies, where I studied Postal and Banking Technologies.

I've been interested in programming since my study days, so I have started learning about web tehnologies by myself, and in 2017. I attended six-month program in front-end development.

Front-end development satisfies my need for creativity. It's constantly evolving and changing, and as I'm interested in learning new tehnologies, it makes me happy to have the opportunity to interact with new tools and learn new skills.

Pomodoro timer

Web application that helps you to organize your time following pomodoro rules.


Application that validate and extract information from JMBG. Check out!

Password strength checker

Check if your password is strong enough to keep you safe online. The tool runs locally without sending data over the internet.

Tic Tac Toe

Simple application for playing the classic game of X's and O's vs. the computer.


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